2021年11月~,えりなさんの #一日一英作文 に再び参加中。
#英語学習 https://t.co/uJV7goQCq1— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 11, 2021
✓ 英作文の勉強どうやるの?
✓ 英作文を練習したい!
英語学習の 個別サポート をご希望の方へ
But not only that, I also enjoy color of leaves, light green, mint green, yellow green…🌿🌱🌳🍀#一日一英作文#英語学習
— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) January 25, 2022
How about tomorrow morning? You have 4 hours before you go out with your friends. … Yeah, 2 hours each. Then, imagine, you have 6 hours… How many hours for each? Right, 3 hours!#一日一英作文#英語学習
— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) January 26, 2022
Multiply numerator and same value together. 2×20=40. Then, 2/5=40/100! Compare 40/100 and 25/100! The bigger one is 40/100, so 2/5 is bigger than 0.25.#一日一英作文#英語学習
— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) January 28, 2022
Then the shape in Stage 5 should be, line 5 tiles up vertically and line 4 tiles up horizontally on the left side and right side of the bottom tile of 5 tiles respectively.#一日一英作文#英語学習
— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) January 29, 2022
A95. The probability of rolling a 1 is 1/6. The times of getting 1 out of 12 times rolling follows B(12, 1/6). Expected value is 12×1/6=2
Therefore answer is 2.#一日一英作文#英語学習 https://t.co/WXC8NX7MQh— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) January 30, 2022
A96. have right to make our own government and guarantee right to choose our own life#一日一英作文#英語学習 https://t.co/aMoTpetymb
— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) January 31, 2022
Oxygen come from plants are indispensable to many creatures in the world. At the same time, carbohydrate come from creatures need to be collected to keep our planet stable.
Without Photosynthesis, human beings may not have existed. #一日一英作文#英語学習— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) February 1, 2022
That’s why most of us have some features which are similar with our biological parents.#一日一英作文#英語学習
— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) February 2, 2022
I depend on my smartphone everyday because smartphone has too many fanctions. No smartphone means you have to give up everything you do now unless you find alternatives for each activity. Even if you find them, you have to give up “convenience”. #一日一英作文#英語学習
— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) February 3, 2022
The fact makes me feel great. And It is because I have been practicing English.
Also, when I use English, I just feel free, which I rarely feel when I use Japanese. I like this sense. It is like a different self come out. I want to enjoy it more. #一日一英作文#英語学習— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) February 4, 2022