2021年11月~,えりなさんの #一日一英作文 に再び参加中。
#英語学習 https://t.co/uJV7goQCq1— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 11, 2021
✓ 英作文の勉強どうやるの?
✓ 英作文を練習したい!
英語学習の 個別サポート をご希望の方へ
A41. Can’t miss vast field, you can experience plant, grow and harvest products!
#英語学習 https://t.co/3LouoA1MFG— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 21, 2021
A42. grouchy
“Don’t be so grouchy in front of me!” That’s what I wanted to tell one of my ex-coworkers, because I was not the person who made her grouchy!😂#一日一英作文#英語学習 https://t.co/k3xGV5BNJk— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 22, 2021
A43. Digging into what I like is really me. When I’m into something, I always try to get whatever related to it. For example, when I liked Oda Nobunaga a lot, I visited almost all places related ro him. →#一日一英作文#英語学習 https://t.co/j1k0LNXRmM
— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 23, 2021
A44. (A41. revised)
Can’t miss vast field! You will not take your eyes off fresh green in summer. In autumn, golden yellow will satisfy your eyes! You can even enjoy planting, growing and harvesting products!#一日一英作文
#英語学習 https://t.co/ByuEr9Sj5e— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 24, 2021
After his death, his drawer passed down his grandson. He thought this watch must have been his grandfather’s. At that time, the watch suddenly started to work. But something wrong… !! The hands was moving counter-clockwise!😮😮
#英語学習— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 25, 2021
After Momotaro and his company fought together and knocked down the ogre, he lived happily with his grandparents having lots of treasure the ogre gave him.
#英語学習— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 26, 2021
Actually, the taste is greater than I expected. It was light and like chicken.
#英語学習— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 27, 2021
A48. 2021 is a language year, started to learn Chinese and have been learning English to be able to express more naturally.
#英語学習 https://t.co/llVpg53uKA— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 27, 2021
A49. mound
Last weekend, I pushed myself to make time to read a mound of comic books. I kept reading whole day and finally finished all of them.😂
#英語学習 https://t.co/jmsD1QyGi0— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 28, 2021
A50. I put off having a big dog. Living with a big dog like Doberman is one of the goals in my life, but I just can’t afford to do it now. If I have a big dog, I need to move and earn more money to take care of it. I’ll also need to make time for the dog.
#英語 https://t.co/neXVjVtYyu— ヨカワユキ❄英語教えてます🌻我在学习汉语 (@yokawayuki_fp) November 29, 2021